

I don’t think holiday blues can get any worse than what I have right now. With everything that has been going on with the world, travel was put on hold and I know I speak for many people when I say that I have missed it so so much. Travel means a lot to me. It’s where I recharge my creative battery and gain inspiration for work, projects and so on. Travel has always been my only goal in life and so when that’s taken away from you it can be tough to deal with. I feel so grateful to have experienced so many different cultures and see so many incredible places but I must remember I’m 23 and I have time. With all that being said, we went on our first holiday in the new ‘normal’ (what ever that means?) Both myself and Jake have been fully vaccinated and so it does make it a lot easier to travel abroad. Our holiday was incredible, we stayed at hotel Globales Don Pedro which had spectacular views, lovely rooms & the food was great too.

Mallorca is a beautiful place & I hope you enjoy this little photo diary.

Photo by Jake Millers

Photo by Jake Millers


Photography by myself unless credited other wise

Style: Sillage Trousers

Style: Sillage Trousers

Style: summer dressing with toast

Style: summer dressing with toast